Enter the Great British Entrepreneur Awards

The Great British Entrepreneur Awards has been celebrating the stories of exceptional entrepreneurs for over a decade.

The accolades don’t always go to the biggest businesses. We pride ourselves on celebrating incredible stories of passion, tenacity, courage, innovation and disruption from entrepreneurs running businesses of all sizes and at all stages.

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Technology integration & process optimisation

Technology integration & process optimisation: There are many ways in which technology can support manufacturing businesses with both stock control and cash flow. Even B2B manufacturers can now give their customers access to online portals so that they can make purchases easier and more smoothly, thus moving stock and receiving revenue faster.

Having sales and stock information available at the click of a button enables businesses to make faster decisions and be more dynamic in its operations.  Most organisations already have good technology in place – for example, CRM systems and eCommerce platforms that track sales and revenue.

However, the key to generating powerful insights that takes strategy and decision making to the next level is integrating systems and optimising processes specifically for your business.

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