Enter the Great British Entrepreneur Awards

The Great British Entrepreneur Awards has been celebrating the stories of exceptional entrepreneurs for over a decade.

The accolades don’t always go to the biggest businesses. We pride ourselves on celebrating incredible stories of passion, tenacity, courage, innovation and disruption from entrepreneurs running businesses of all sizes and at all stages.

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Vestd: for share schemes and investments

 Prep investments with ease, make share schemes a breeze.

Vestd is the UK’s most powerful share scheme and equity management platform.

The platform is the perfect partner for Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) – the UK’s favourite and most tax-efficient share scheme – but also makes light work of all kinds of shares and options. 

And in terms of recipients, staff can log in to view their shares in real-time, and model what their cut might look like if the company rises in value. An unrivalled motivator!

“Every entrepreneur knows how hard the grind can be, and that there’s often just not enough hours in the day to honour the milestones or the wins. This is why the Great British Entrepreneur Awards is a critical evening in the business calendar.

The Great British Entrepreneur Awards shines the spotlight on the biggest success stories of the year and gives everybody an opportunity to celebrate the resilience, creativity and courage that makes up the UK’s business ecosystem.

Congratulations to all shortlisted businesses, and of course, the winners! Vestd is thrilled to be a part of the ‘Grammy’s of Entrepreneurship’ and on behalf of the team, I hope everybody has an amazing night.”

Ifty Nasir, Founder and CEO of Vestd

Vestd can also get you investment ready with their innovative Essentials suite. Get your cap table sparkling clean, store all of your essential documents and communicate with investors. 

You can also manage your portfolio at-a-glance and at the push of a button. Beautiful. 

 Click here to find out more about Vestd.

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